
Happy Birthday Pa...

Tomorrow is my dad's birthday! To celebrate we had a huge taco feast at my grandparent's house. The weather was perfect, as was the company. Thanks to everyone who was able to come make it a special day for someone so deserving!
Goofy Austin (Remind you of Stratton?)

Check out Grandpa's rack!

Evan and Austin played well together.

With a little help from Uncle Doug they got out of the garden!

Denny & Phil

Linda & Ellen

Happy Birthday Pops!

Farming the Garden...

We are enjoying the produce our garden has produced this year! We've had corn (thanks Stratton!), lettuce, tomatoes (cherry tomatoes are Austin's favorite!), cucumber, green peppers, cabbage, potatoes, onions, and of course lots of flowers! Here are a couple pictures of what we've grown.


Summer Reading...

We love to read at our house! Since the boys have started sharing a bedroom, we have moved all of the toys and games out to our front porch, now a toy room. There is a little futon couch, and Austin likes to read his books there. He's taken a nap and fallen asleep there a couple time. Have you ever seen a kid sit in the middle of so many toys and read a book?



Here was Austin's sideline crew at soccer. Andrew enjoyed himself and put on a few smiles for the camera.


Austin did his first (and possibly last) soccer camp this week. We had a great time watching him, but I don't think this will be Austin's favorite sport to play. The coaches were all from England, and were well trained. Austin did have fun, but said he liked the games where you didn't have to use a soccer ball the best! Looking forward to baseball...In most of these pictures it does appear that Austin was having a splended time. Actually, he was more often doing what the above picture shows.

Happy 4th of July....

We had a great evening celebrating Independence Day. Austin was excited for fireworks and his cousin David to come over. Andrew slept through all of the excitement. (What a good boy!) Stratton caught his shirt on fire, but all is well.

Christie, David and Dave came out.

Austin with sparklers.

Our neighbors bought a ton of fireworks and put on quite a show.

Happy 75th Grandma...

Last month we had a little suprise celebration for my Grandma Jeanne's birthday. She wasn't expecting the whole family to drop by that evening, but she was pleasently suprised. Here are a couple of pictures from her party.