
Star Wars Birthday...

Austin's a few days shy of four-years-old, but he had a great birthday party today! Thank you to everyone who came out to help celebrate. You each helped Austin enjoy his birthday, and man, did he have a great time! He's a very lucky little boy. We went with a Star Wars theme. Check out a few of the pictures below!
This is Austin's little cousin, David. They tried to blow out the candles together.Austin really enjoyed all of the Star Wars gifts and cards he got.General Grievous was his favorite gift. He held onto it while he opened all of his other presents. (Thanks Miss Lissa and Bucky!)Wow! Lots of loot. Austin is a lucky guy. Thanks again everyone!Here's Andrew snuggling up to his Aunt Christie.


Another Photographer In The Family???

I gave Stratton his first photography lesson last night. He did great! Here are a few pictures that he took. (He got the first pictures of Andrew smiling. I've been trying for weeks and just haven't been able to catch him. Way to go Stratman!)

Growing Boys...

Kids do grow up fast. It's true. Andrew is already 2 1/2 months old, which is the age that Austin was when John came home from his first deployment. Austin will be turning 4 at the end of the month. Wow! We had a visit this weekend with our friends, the Cecrle's. They have kittens that are four weeks old and a piano. Here are a couple pictures of Austin over there plus a couple pictures of Andrew and his Daddy.


Just Like His Mom...

I think Andrew may be a thumb sucker. We haven't given him a pacifier and hope not to. He had shots at his last doctor's appointment and was not too happy about them. He calmed himself right down, though, with a little taste of his right thumb. Ever since he has been giving his thumb a little workout. (Now accepting donations for braces!)

Two Months Old...

Andrew is getting big, fast. At his two month checkup he weighed 13 pounds, 7 ounces and was 25 inches long. Wow! Enjoy some of his latest pictures. He sure is smiling a lot; however, the flash makes him stop smiling and cross his eyes. I'll try to post some smiling pictures when I get a few on film!

I Want To Be A Rock Star...

Here's a new look. Austin loves to pose for the camera. Thanks Pa and Uncle for the Rock star shirt!

Happy Easter...

Here are a few pictures from Andrew's first Easter. Sorry they're a little late, but shouldn't it be Easter right about now anyway? Austin had a ball finding eggs and looking for his basket. He also found Andrew's basket and opened his gifts for him. Andrew slept through the whole thing.

Black Eye...

This picture is from a few weeks ago. Austin and another student at school were both trying to get the same Lincoln Log. Apparently the other kid let go, and Austin won the Log as well as a black eye. An accident report was sent home from school. He recovered only to have a similar experience yesterday. Only this time it was a rubber ducky, and the other student just hit him with it. The second "black eye" isn't quite as bad. Another accident report was sent home from school.