
Andrew's A Month Old...

The boys sure are getting big fast! Andrew had his one month check up recently. He's going to be a big kid like his brother! He weighed 11 pounds, 3 ounces and was 23 1/2 inches long. Below are a few pictures of Andrew at five weeks old. Also, there is a picture of Austin with his cousin David, and another one of Austin holding Andrew. Austin's very excited that I return to work next week because Andrew will be going to school with him every day. I'm glad Austin's ready for this change because it's coming up too quickly for me!


New Baby...

Well, I haven't gone a complete year without updating our blog. I've been a little busy being pregnant and such. I guess there's no good excuse for the lapse in pictures. So, after a month of waiting, (yes, Andrew's a month old now) here's the boy!
Here's Austin's first look at Andrew.
Can you tell he's related to Stratton?

The first family photo after we returned from the hospital. (A little worn out!)

Sleeping babies are so sweet.

Here's Andrew at about three weeks old. He's not really sitting up on his own yet, John's just kind enough to help me pose him.