
We're Back...

Alright, I know it's been nearly a year since I updated our blog. Sorry to all who have missed it! You may also notice that Google has taken over our blog site and will no longer allow us to update the old blog. So to all of you who want to look back you can still visit our old blog at http://thehertigs.blogspot.com.
We've had quite a busy year. We're back in Indiana, for good this time! John was released from the Marine Corps in March. We're so happy to have him back home. Although he will be in the inactive reserves until mid 2010, we hope and pray that he's not called back to active duty.
Austin recently had his third birthday! (Time flies doesn't it?) He had a wonderful birthday party with lots of friends and family at Pa's house. Austin seems to change each day. He is still potty training, but getting much better. He really enjoys Star Wars, or Spaceships, as he calls it, and can turn any ordinary object into a light saber or gun.
Thank you for your patience in my sparse postings! Check back, I'll do my best to put up new pictures often!