
Trick or Treat...

We had perfect weather on Halloween. We went to Marcia's, my god moother, again this year. Austin would have been just as happy playing with her Star Wars toys, but we convinced him that he would enjoy getting candy more. We walked several blocks before calling it a night. Austin was tired of walking, I was tired of carrying his pillowcase of candy, and Andrew was just plain tired. He slept through his first Halloween while John pushed him in his stroller. Here are some pictures of the boys before we went out. Austin was a pirate and Andrew was a ninja. (Yes, that's the outfit John got in Japan during his first tour. It was also Austin's first Halloween costume.)

Pumpkin Carving...

Austin got to go with his preschool class to the pumpkin patch. He picked out a cute, round, little pumpkin and wanted to turn it into a zombie. I'm not sure what a zombie pumpkin looks like, but he was happy enough with the design. Austin and John did the carving while Andrew and I took pictures. Enjoy!

Snip, Snip, Snip...

The time has come for our little hippie to get his hair cut! No he's not a year old, but Austin was only 4 months old when he had his hair cut for the first time! Andrew is now 9 months old and was long overdue for a trim.


Long Time, No Blog...

Yes, I've gone months without posting a single picture. But I haven't stopped taking any! Enjoy a couple shots of the boys playing.


Now We're Cooking...

Yummy! Andrew loves green beans and peas so far. We're slowly trying him on new foods. I'm looking forward to finding a food that he'll make a face at (and hopefully I'll get it on my camera!) Cross your fingers. We hope Andrew will eat as well as Austin does.

Andrew's Sitting Up...

Our little guy doesn't seem to being staying little very long. He's learned something new just about everyday. He seems to have forgotten about laying down and rolling over. He's sitting up, crawling forward, and can stand up for 10 seconds or so if he holds onto the edge of something. I hope he doesn't walk as early as his Dad! (8 months old!) Here are a few pictures of his first night upright. He was very proud of himself. We were too...

Austin didn't want Andrew to be in the spotlight the whole time!

Indianapolis Zoo...

We spent a little time at the zoo a couple of weekends ago. It was Andrew's first trip! Austin enjoyed the day, but he was ready to go around his normal nap time. Here are a couple of pictures of our outing. Next up...the IMA. Austin wants to see the Mummy (sounds like Mommy when he says it) exhibit.